Pictures of different types of earthworms

In spite of the progress of modern civilization in general and medicine, in particular the question, what are the types of worms and how they affect the body of the man, remains relevant. There are several types of worms that can be seen on the picture with the description. A variety of earthworms can present the same degree of danger for the man, but in all cases, a blow on the immune system and can cause the development of other diseases.

In the human body are parasites of type 2 roundworms (nematodes) and flat (strip, and gills).

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One of the main characteristics of nematodes is their extreme strength. They can survive even after 5 years of stay in the formalin. Among the other characteristics of ascaris, it is necessary to distinguish:

  • the rapid development and primitive of the life cycle;
  • a simple system of digestion, consisting of a straight tube from the mouth to the anus;
  • the rapid multiplication;
  • the mobility, the intense circulation on the organs of the host.

The most common and most dangerous species of root-knot nematodes are: pinworms, ascaris, whipworm, Trichinella, giardia.


Pinworms – the worms are usually white in color. Males – all lowercase, no more than 5 mm, while the length of Mature females is greater than 1 see On the picture pinworms look like chopsticks with pointed tips. Symptoms appear after 5-6 hours after their ingestion. The female lays eggs in the folds of the anus, after which hatched the worm sneaks to the top of the intestine.

If pinworms have hit the body, appear the following signs, itching in the anus, disorders of the intestine, irritability, nausea. Usually, this type of helminths suffer from small children, who are inclined to draw objects in the mouth and is not enough to observe the rules of personal hygiene.


On the other hand, the pinworm roundworm have large sizes of 15 to 40 see the Eggs with the larvae penetrate in the digestive system, which continue to infest until the final maturation. Live the round about a year. In the case of infection the man is suffering abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, allergic reactions.

It is important! Each patient can be an individual's reaction to the infection of this type of helminth. The degree of severity of symptoms can vary from a mild sickness to severe manifestations.


His name worm has received thanks to the thin and long body in the shape of the hair. Most often installed in the cecum. The parasite length of 5.5 mm (female) to 4.5 cm (males). Its sharp front end of the whipworm impaled the lining of the intestines, feeding on the blood and the lymph. The whipworm has symptoms that are similar to the manifestations of the activity of other parasites.

Among the specific symptoms can be distinguished:

  • sensations similar to appendicitis;
  • the development of polyps and cysts in the habitat of the parasite;
  • ulcer of the stomach;
  • for seizures in epilepsy.

: Trichinella

Refer to the round worms, which are parasites in the bodies of many species of domestic and wild animals (badgers, wild boar). The main route of contamination – the consumption of raw meat or meat products infected, prepared to "blood".

Only a few days in need of the larva Trichinella to full maturity in the duodenum. Good mobility allows the parasites to penetrate into the different organs with the flow of the blood. In severe cases, trichinosis gives a complication for the respiratory tract, the central nervous system and the cardio-vascular system. In the absence of treatment, the infection can even lead to death.


The size of these worms, malicious is so small, as to only consider under the microscope. However, the damage to the body, especially children, they wear a huge. With the help of flagella on the body of the parasite sticks to the intestinal mucosa, by taking all the nutrients.

Giardia are very durable and can be active at any time of the year. They can be:

  • in a non-treated water, raw water;
  • dirty hands, vegetables, fruits;
  • in the earth, the sand.
  • toys, dishes, household items.

One of the signs of giardiasis is a rose is a red rash on the skin, accompanied by itching, as well as the strong long-term diarrhea with bad smell.


This type of worms have a body in the form of a sheet or tape. Unlike the round, tape worms have the same characteristics, and both men and women. Of all the systems of life of these worms you must select the digestive and excretory systems. Of human animal carry liver flukes and tapeworms. In the body of the people tape worms are attached to the walls of organs or vessels using the suction cups.

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The parasite platform, up to 5 cm in length. Received its name because of the routine of the localization in the liver. Can also live in the gall bladder and the pancreas with its two suckers: oral and abdominal. At the beginning of the development cycle, the worm-infected feces, their eggs, penetrate into the soil and water. Then, through an intermediate host, the shell, the eggs are transferred into the body of the fish, where the larvae are kept in their body. The consumption of contaminated fish in the food causes a dangerous disease opisthorchiasis.

Be infected by worms of the earth can, eating enough of processed meat of bream, carp, roach, ball, carp and other fish. Among the symptoms are distinguished:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • painful sensations in the muscles;
  • the colic bile;
  • strong pain in the right side;
  • disorders of the appetite.

It is important! The diagnosis of the lesion as a stroke of luck is often difficult. During the transition opisthorchiasis chronic the symptoms are similar to diseases such as gastritis and pancreatitis.

wave of tsepen

Wave and the tsepen

These two types of parasites of tapeworms have different intermediate hosts, and this is a place of stay of the two, it is the man. Wave of tsepen – the largest of all visitors to the human body. Its length reaches 10 m

Swine tsepen is easier to expel from the body, but it represents a great danger, because it may migrate is not only in the intestine but also in the brain, the liver, and the eyes of man. First, the disease is virtually asymptomatic, but in the future manifests itself:

  • weakness, insomnia, headache;
  • heartburn, nausea;
  • upset stomach;
  • exit with the stool of the segments of the bovine species is the tapeworm;
  • extreme changes: the feeling of hunger until the increased appetite;
  • anemia.


This type of to reside in the bodies of dogs, foxes, wolves, cats from time to time. The appearance and the method of fixation in the body of living beings are the same as in the other species of tape worms. Among those at risk are those who work with animals (hunters, shepherds). The symptoms of echinococcosis are similar to diseases of the liver. In addition to disorders of the chair, and a general malaise, a distinctive sign is icteric staining of the skin.


Despite a leak of diseases caused by helminth parasites, there are many effective medications that eliminate the body of man of all the species of earthworms. The main feature of the tablets of earth worms is to enable an increase of the toxicity, therefore, the choice must take into account the extent of the infection, the age of the person, of comorbidities and of safety of the drug. Consider the most effective and safest pills that help to cleanse the body of parasitic infestations.

It is important! Choice of a tablets to of land, without the consultation of a doctor, is not valid! The exceedance allowed in the dosage may cause the body to not less harm than the infection by worms of the earth!

Some medications can be taken as a preventative measure. The prevention is necessary, if the infestation of earthworms revealed a member of the family or the presence of pets. A great importance should be given to the purity of the hands, especially in young children, the regular cleaning of the premises, the compliance of all the rules of the preparation of food.