The appearance of earthworms, and the characteristics of the types of

Helminthiasis causes discomfort in patients. The earthworms, living in the human body, cause the appearance of serious diseases and even death. Do not under-estimate the negative impact of helminth infection. At the onset of the first signs of infection by worms recommended immediately consult a doctor. However, the symptoms observed during helminth infections, can symbolize and other diseases. The sign most sure of contamination – the worms in the stool. Is it possible to see the worms?


Characteristics of pinworms

Helminth infections common in adults and in children. For the confirmation of the disease, it is necessary to pass fecal matter. But to see the parasites, and even you. It is a symptom, a sign of an infected person or animal.

The pinworm is a helminth, which occur more often in children. They are easily transmitted, and the non-compliance with the measures of prevention enter the body. The symptoms of the disease is manifested by 3-10 days. Pinworms are parasites in the subtle and the large intestine. The worms have a short life cycle and die in a few months. However, this does not mean that, within 60 days, the person will be in good health. Every day, the infected patient itself. Dead individuals replace the worms, which are entered into the body previously.

Recognize pinworms in kalovyh weights quite simple. His appearance helminth look like a small piece of wire. Usually, their length does not exceed 1,5 see the Review in calais, quite simply, thanks to the light color.

The parasites have a negative impact on the body. These worms in the stool of the child – a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Pinworms may be the cause of appendicitis. By reason of their residence in the human body is an inflammation of the intestine and the genital organs. Pinworms, moving through the body, leaves toxic in the area of the sphincter. There is unbearable itching. Helminth parasites are capable of producing more than 8 thousands of eggs.

When the presence of pinworms in patients with the following symptoms:

  • rflexe;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • a substantial reduction of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • feces, containing mucus;
  • the chronic fatigue;
  • urinary incontinence during the night.

Long course of the disease with the complications observed in the patients who have the habit of biting the nail plate. Sick involuntarily chard the night the skin in the area of the anus, which grows under the nail plate of the eggs of parasites. Later, they fall in the oral cavity.

During the infection by the worms to the notice of the eggs of pinworms in kalovyh weights is impossible, since females do not lay eggs in the gastro-intestinal tract.


Not everyone knows what are intestinal worms in humans. However, to familiarize themselves with this information, it is important. Helminths in calais is the biggest symptom, which confirms the presence of earthworms.

Roundworm are often parasites in the bodies of children and adults.

In favourable conditions, in the eggs is formed by the larva. Once in the body of the man, the parasite travels in the gastro-intestinal tract, which is released from the egg and migrates in the circulatory system. From there, ascaris spread throughout the body and penetrate many of the vital organs. In the intestine the larvae hatch in the purchasing of ascaris. They attach themselves permanently to the small intestine in the earlier six months.

In people Ascaris, the following symptoms are observed:

  • unreasonable allergic reactions;
  • stomach cramps;
  • rflexe;
  • a lack of energy;
  • headaches;
  • a decrease in appetite.

Ascaris begin to lay eggs after three months. The waste, which emit the parasites in the body, are toxic to the patient. They can become the cause of the more severe allergic reaction. In case of failure of the treatment of the parasites wrong turn into a ball, and intestines, causing its obstruction. In this case, for a complete healing needs to resort to surgery. The drug when the obstruction of the intestine does not work.

For children the biggest risks are ascaride, that fall in the oral cavity and can move within the trachea or nasal passages. The life cycle is 1 year.

The round most often strike children. The adults are suffering from this type of helminths are much more rare. In fact, children are more often forget to wash their hands before eating, and consume fruits and vegetables that are not washed.

The appearance whipworm

The life cycle of the parasite is about 6 years old. This type of worms has the following characteristics:

  • the length varies from 3 to 5 cm;
  • the body is oblong and looks like a segment of wire;
  • the head of the parasite is much thinner than the torso, to recognize them in kalovyh weights you can easily.

Whipworms injure the lining of the intestine and cause its inflammation. Eat as a parasite of the blood. If the body Trichocephalus trichiurus (whipworm), the patient complained of any of the following symptoms:

  • long spasms of the right side of the abdomen;
  • a decrease in the appetite, perhaps also his anger for no reason to increase.
  • rflexe;
  • the change of the chair;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • apathy;
  • the anaemia.

The definitive diagnosis can put a doctor only when the detection of eggs of the whipworm of calais through a microscope. For the treatment specialists often prescribe medications. It is important to follow the prevention measures to reduce the risk of infection.

Description Of Trichinella

Few people know what are the larvae of worms of the earth. They are rarely found in the masses and see the doctor can only upon the achievement of special analyses. Trichinella are parasites that are a particular danger to the health of man. They differ in the following characteristics:

  • of small size;
  • the rounded shape;
  • white color.

You even recognize in calais Trichinella very difficult.

Contamination may occur through consumption of poorly thermally processed meat of pork, bear, wild boar, etc, Parasites have a negative impact on the muscles. These worms can live in the body of a man more than 20 years. Trichinella often cause complications.

The patient complains of any of the following symptoms:

  • anger unjustified increase of the temperature;
  • aches;
  • diarrhea;
  • swelling
  • an allergic reaction.

In patients with trichinellosis encounter complications which can occur an inflammation of the lungs, liver and kidneys. Complete healing is very difficult to achieve. To do this, it will go through a prolonged treatment. You also need to observe measures of prevention. In the course of the therapy the patient needs to go in a direction of the hospital.

As the prevention of trichinellosis the experts recommend not to eat the food is not up to the end of the cooked meat. It is desirable to purchase only the products that have undergone a health examination and confirming the stigma.

Wave of tsepen

Each person heard of the existence of such a parasite, like a wave of tsepen. Unlike all the previously listed, this helminth refers to a group of tapeworms. Wave of tsepen can enter the body after the consumption of meat, which is cooked poorly. Already a few months later, the larva turns into an adult. Wave of tsepen is considered to be the largest parasite that lives in the body of the man. Its length can reach 8 to 10 metres. A patient may find in the masses of digested and only the segments of the end of the parasite.

The patient complains:

  • nausea;
  • unconscious of the state;
  • stomach cramps;
  • apathy;
  • of the constipation.

The treatment called specialist. If well-chosen of the therapy, the patient is quickly on the mend and has no complications. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Wave of tsepen

How to recognize a cyst hydatid

This band of parasites, which have an impact on many vital organs. It is interesting to pay attention to what that man is the intermediate carrier of parasites. Final masters are usually dogs or other animals.

Echinococcus is small in size. That is why to detect the eggs of this parasite in kalovyh weights only difficult. Its diameter varies up to 2, it installs the most often in the liver and gradually begins to develop. People who have in their body echinococcal complain about:

  • the pain in the right upper quadrant;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • a dry cough;
  • shortness of breath.

The disease can detect the ULTRASOUND. You see echinococcal in kalovyh weights is not. For the prevention recommended to monitor the hygiene and animal health.

What are the parasites, the whole world should know. Often, patients do not pay attention to the presence in kalovyh weights to, because they don't know what they look like. Some varieties of parasites you do not find yourself, but they were not responding so often. In kalovyh weights without too much difficulty, you can recognize the pinworm, ascaris, and Trichocephalus trichiurus. Upon detection of calais earthworms urgent need to consult a doctor.