The symptoms of worms of man and methods of treatment

Not always, when earthworms are present in the human body, the symptoms may be pronounced. Many tapeworms live in the body in the secret, manifesting a lot of time. On this subject, by the perfidy of the parasites. For the time of the "residence" they are capable of hitting almost all of the organs.

the signs of worms

How to get rid of the worms, the doctor said. Dealing with the medical Parasitology. The symptoms of worms in humans depends on the extent of the defeat, the parasitic infestations. How to manifest the worms, symptoms and treatment in adults need to know to prevent complications. Get rid of de-worming during the later stages difficult.

The common symptoms of

Questions about what is a down to earth (scientific – helminthes), the action that they care about a lot of people. Worms is one of the many species of parasites. And each is destructive on the human body, manifesting in different ways.

Some of the obvious symptoms of worms in humans – a reduction of the mass of the body, pallor of the skin, decreased performance, itching of the anus. Recently, it was thought that the worms from man, lead to a reduction of protective functions of the body. But studies have shown that 49% of the cancerous tumors is the result of a lesion of the body by worms. The absence of an early diagnosis, a treatment without result – a mistake that, all too often, animals.

The common symptoms of the helminth infection in adults are the following:

  • allergies – eczematous spots, acne, hives, warts, psoriasis;
  • ordinary cough;
  • pneumonia, influenza;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • the colds of the disease;
  • apathy, seizures, teeth grinding, depression;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • itching in the region of the anus;
  • the increase of lymph nodes;
  • a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • the pain in the stomach, the liver;
  • an increase of the temperature;
  • the strengthening of snoring;
  • the oedema of the limbs;
  • decreased appetite, weight loss;
  • seizures, nausea, vomiting.

Get rid of the earthworms need immediately and only with the help of specialists. The self-medication causes peritonitis and other negative effects, because independent of the excretion of parasites can cause damage to the mechanical parts.

Digestive disorders

During the "arrival" of the parasites in the area of the intestine (not in the muscle tissue), the main symptom is a violation of the digestion. Symptoms of a helminth infection: diarrhea, chronic constipation; nausea; attacks of vomiting; the pain in the entire area of the abdomen; pain of the liver; flatulence.

the signs of worms in the body

The violation of the CNS

In the process of development of parasitic organisms emit a huge amount of poisons-corrosive liquids of biological origin that poison the body. More

the poisoning, the more affects cells of the nervous system. Determine the presence of earthworms may be on grounds of: headache, dizziness, sore joints, increased temperature, fever. Helminths in adults and suck in the literal sense of all the vitamins, minerals, micro-components are indispensable to the normal life of man. The lack of vitamins, micro and macro, manifested by an inhibition of the central nervous system, leading to chronic fatigue, sleepiness, insomnia. The man shouts in the night, he had nightmares. Many appears or worsens snoring. Some "crack" the teeth. In childhood, the earthworms, in influencing negatively on the nerve cells, cause ANW (mental retardation). In some people, due to the stress caused by the intoxication of the organism, can appear depression, irritability.

A clear sign that worms are present in the human body (symptoms) – paleness of the skin. He speaks of the evolution of the anemia on the background of a lack of b vitamins and iron.


Worms – organisms and the products of their activity. The cells of the immune system immediately begin to respond to foreign substances, highlighting the antigens. The increase in the level of these substances is expressed in allergies.

On the pidermes develop hives, itching. Allergic rhinitis, coughing, asthma, bronchial; delamination, brittle nails, discolouration of the hair – all this may indicate the presence of a certain type of tapeworm.

The reduction of the protective properties

The lack of vitamins and minerals significantly reduces the protection functions. When this exacerbated available chronic pathology or of developing the disease, accompanied by inflammatory processes. Women and girls increases the risk of bacterial vaginosis. Therefore, when frequent infectious diseases is advised to hand over analyses on presence of parasitic organisms and not to overfeed the children of pills.

What are the symptoms may occur in children

On the way to cure the worms of earth, to reflect, and parents.

If helminth infections in children, the symptoms such as:

the symptoms of parasites
  • the hyperactivity of the child;
  • children complain of discomfort in the area of the anus it itching and itching;
  • increased salivation (may appear during sleep and in the morning);
  • drinking large amounts of sugary foods;
  • the peeling of skin on the eyelids;
  • the problem with the hair – dulling, loss;
  • fragility of the nail plate;
  • unexplained anaemia – the skin becomes pale;
  • permanent state of drowsiness and retardation;
  • the lack of interest in games;
  • whims;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the refusal of food;
  • the weight loss;
  • the child complains of pain in the abdomen;
  • regular soft stools;
  • restless sleep;
  • the grinding of teeth during sleep;
  • mental development delay;
  • eczema, hives, itching, that lead to whims, mood change;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections.

When the presence of three or more of the symptoms of the child must consider. May be, it is infected by the worms. We can not say that the forms of parasites
trivial. All parazitirujushchy the body can cause enormous damage, especially in children. It should not be forgotten that the earth worms can cause diseases of the heart, liver, eyes. Some parasites cause the formation of cancerous tumors. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, and better to ask a doctor on how to treat intestinal worms in children.

The symptoms of parasites

To understand how to get out intestinal worms in humans, it is necessary to know the symptoms that manifest each type of tapeworms.

According to the place of location of worm infestations can be:

  1. Projection screen. Abdominal types of earthworms live in an area fine, and the colon. For example, the settlement area of the ascaris, tapeworms – small intestine. Pinworms live in the lower part of the small intestine, whipworm lives in the area of the colon.
  2. Muscle (cell). Living in the cells of the muscles, the tissues of the lungs, brain, liver cells, lymph nodes, eyes. Some of the worms are cell, because in the early stages of the migrate with the bloodstream and inhabit the bodies mentioned above.

Flat parasites

types of worms
  • The douve river. Is found in the renal tubules. The causes of cancer of the organs of digestion. You can borrow, by eating salty, the fish and fisheries products. The symptoms of worms in adults: increased temperature of the body; attacks of vomiting; indigestion; pain of the spleen, the liver, allergies. The man, periodically, dizziness, sleep disorders; migraine headaches; he becomes irritable; frequently changes mood. The treatment of helminthiasis is performed in a hospital.
  • Schistosoma. The way of contamination – swimming in the recharge of reservoirs of drinking dirty water. Parasite in the small veins of the intestine, of the abdomen, small pelvis, the uterus, the bladder. Can be localized in the brain. The symptoms of the infection by the worms of earth, manifest by loss of appetite; the violation of the performance of the digestive system; pallor of the skin; stomach pain, dyspepsia; intestinal and uterine bleeding, the decrease in body mass, intestinal disorders obstructive. In women causes of disorders of the menstrual cycle, the gestation period of the foetus were recorded for the suspensions because of the presence of earthworms. In men, develops impotence; the quality of the sperm decreases (sterility). The children suffer from stunted growth, mental development. When the defeat of the cells of the brain is disrupted consciousness, may be the development of the paralysis, convulsions. These states can be the cause of the death.
  • Lung gills. What appear intestinal worms in humans: the consumption of freshwater crab, fish, pork. A worm of earth affects the bodies in the bronchi, the lungs. The signs of worms in adults: increased temperature; the man begins to cough, and a lot of time. In the course of the cough stands out phlegm. There is the migraine headache; shortness of breath in the absence of movements, impaired visual acuity; seizures vomiting.
  • Echinococcus. Very dangerous loner. May be the cause of the death. For a long time coexist with the man, is able to not manifest. The way of contamination – domestic animals, it is often a dog. An infected person does not uphold the standards of hygiene. Echinococcus is the cause of the development of cysts in the bodies of human. The treatment of helminths in adults is only done by the surgery. Often hit the system the digestion, the respiration, the brain, the bone tissue. The symptoms in adults depend on the authority surprised. The liver: pain in this area, various by the nature, the severity, the fatigue, the allergies on the skin, yellowing. Mild: pain in the chest, coughing, dyspnea. Brain: headache, dizziness, paralysis, mental disorders, epilepsy. Bones: muscle pain, joints; fractures are frequent.
  • Broad tapeworm. One of the main parasites. Lives in the small intestine. The way of contamination – the consumption of little salt caviar fish, which has not been due after the heat treatment. Characterized by worms in the body of the man frequent episodes of vomiting; abdominal pain; dyspepsia; loss of appetite; fatigue; anaemia; reduction of HELL; migraine headaches. And sometimes, the pain is so powerful that it leads to fainting.
  • Wave of tsepen. The way of the achievement – infected beef. Infestation by the worm people live in the small intestine. How to understand that the infection occurred? The signs of worms in humans: upset stomach; nausea; excessive increase of appetite; loss of weight; the rumbling stomach, flatulence; increased frequency of bowel movements.
  • Swine tsepen. Lives in different bodies. The way of contamination – the lack of hygiene, fruit has not been washed. Determine that the person to, you can headaches, long, and regular migraines. The man sleeps badly, wakes up often in the "cold sweat" because of nightmares, so with time becomes irritable. Disturbed appetite, you get a burp.
  • Dwarfish tsepen. Is a man through the oral cavity with fruits, vegetables. Lives in the region of the small intestine. Symptoms: fever, nausea, excessive salivation, belching, heartburn, rhinitis, dryness of mucous membranes.


how to determine the presence of earthworms
  • The roundworm. You can get after consuming vegetables, fruits. Tapeworms live in the small intestine. The signs of the appearance of earthworms in the person: in the area of the anus that itches, it feels like a movement towards, causing the fool discomfort. Can increase the temperature, increase of lymph nodes, in the evening a headache. Increases in the liver symptoms of allergy (hives in the area of the hands and feet, skin diseases). Due to the defeat of the CNS occur with mental disorders, depression, seizures, attacks of aggression, nightmares. The disruption of the functioning of the digestion.
  • Enterobius. This parasite is vectored by the dirty hands. He lives in the colon and the small intestine of man. The source of the infection act sick people, the non-compliance with hygiene standards. The first signs of worms: itching of the anal area (enhanced by night); stomach pain; nausea; sleep disorders. The man is restless and irritable; it will fatigue quickly. Some people develops incontinence; allergic reactions. In girls the worms appear to be abundant, vaginal discharge.
  • : Trichinella. Dangerous infestation by the worm. The symptoms are not always noticed immediately. The way of contamination – the consumption of pig meat, the vegetation in the vicinity of the pastures. Infestation by the worm affects all systems and organs, without exception. Cause intestinal worms in humans the following symptoms: loss of appetite; people are constantly sick, intermittently occurs the vomiting reflex. Is broken a chair, and was concerned by pains in the belly. Distinctive sign – a facial swelling. Suffers from muscle pain; appear rash on the skin; an increase in the temperature.
  • Ancylostoma. Dangerous intestinal worms in adults. The symptoms may be explicit, or is missing. Affects the GASTROINTESTINAL organs (thin, duodenum). Modes of transmission: contact with the ground, where are present larvae; by the mouth to the contamination of the earth of the vegetables and herbs. Signs of the presence of worms of the earth: skin allergies; whooping cough (in sputum are visible streaks of blood); the t of the body, the migraine. People dizziness, feeling weak; pain in the bones (such as the IRA). Suffering from hunger pain. After the food of the sick man, may tear. Almost always after the meal swells the belly, the stomach-ache. After the meal, at the end of two hours, you receive diarrhea. Many, on the contrary, due to the disorder of the motility of the intestine, causing the worms of earth arise constipation. The man becomes drowsy, appears fatigue, even in the absence of physical constraints.

On the way to get rid of pests, how to fight against intestinal worms, " said the doctor. It is necessary to understand the full gravity of the situation. The people who are in the risk group (cooks, teachers, educators, fishermen, butchers, sushi lovers) the diagnosis must be done at least 4 times per year. Folk means of treatment can help you combat the pests, but only in conjunction with the main therapy. Treat parasites only decoctions and enemas unnecessary and stupid.