Parasites in the human body: symptoms and treatment

Most people don't even think inside of their body the life of someone. It comes to parasites. Someone said that once in his house, not animals, and should wash their hands after each exit to the street, the risk of infestation is minimal. This is not the case. According to the medical statistics, the parasites in the human body are present in almost 50% of cases. Earthworms, for example, are the most ancient beings are parasitic in the human body. They are so adapted to life inside people, that, often, their presence is not manifested, and a support, it seems that the infection is asymptomatic.

In fact, the symptoms, it is always important to discern worrying signs. Today, we are going to see what are the symptoms indicate the presence of infection, what are the measures to be taken for the prevention of the infestation and the treatment may be directed against the parasites, if they are discovered.

parasites in the human body

The symptoms of infection by parasites

The biggest problem from the point of view of the detection of the parasite in the body – the diversity of the symptomatology, extent of confusion is not only the man himself, but the attending physician, where the patient asked for advice. Depending on the type, location and life cycle, the different parasite occur. Once a person does not notice the majority of the symptoms, arresting the attention upon a single (for example, pain in the lungs). Following a patient being treated for diagnosed disease, if it manifests itself, otherwise she goes home in the absence of the clinical picture.

Therefore, it is important to see the picture of his health in general, noting the changes incorporated in the state. Medicine allocates more than a dozen indices of contamination by parasites. Consider one of these symptoms in the form of a table.

Indicates that parasites in the body?

Symptom That occurs in the body?
Allergic reactions If a person suddenly begins to suffer the symptoms of the allergy, the trouble to do a test for parasites. The fact that the selection of pest-toxic, and the body's immune system can react to provide an increase in the number of protection cells, in turn, causing irritations and allergies.
The pain in the muscles and joints The parasites are capable of living in the connective tissue, joint fluid, muscles. By moving, they may be the cause of the pain, a lot of blame on arthritis, injuries or sprains. In fact pain in muscles and joints may indicate the inflammation caused due to the livelihood of parasites.
Anemia The protozoa living in the blood of man, feed on the blood cells and are capable of causing essential of its loss. Also anemia, parasites, exhaust the nutrients from the intestine of the host, including iron.
Headaches Regular pain in the head, dizziness, nausea indicate the toxicity of the organism because of parasite infestation.
Anger unjustified reduction/increase in weight The lack of weight occurs because of domestic consumers of food, who feed on the same person. The increase in the weight associated with the fact that the body of the face, under-paid with useful substances, the person is constantly racing horses in blood sugar and feel hungry.
Sleep disorders Frequent awakenings, nervous and sensitive dream often related to parasitic infection. The liver is attempting to cleanse itself of toxins, spurious emissions, and it is usually an activity falls on the night deep. Also the man can disturb the itching of the anus, preventing her from sleeping.
Bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep) Grinding of teeth – one of the symptoms of the infestation of parasites, particularly widespread in children. It is believed that this is how the nerve endings react to the toxicity and inflammation.
Itching of the anus, Helminths often manifest themselves by itching in the hole, the more often a common symptom in children.
Violations of the chair Constipation or diarrhea – the symptoms of parasites that live in the gut. The constipation related to the fact that an abundant infestation leads to an intestinal obstruction of the ducts, diarrhea.
The irritation of the intestine When the inflammation of the wall of the body, the parasites cause cider irritable bowel. This process impairs the ability of absorption of nutrients, and makes it impossible to the absorption of fat in the right department, which can lead to cramps and pain.
Bloating Flatulence, feeling full, bloated stomach – a bright sign of the presence in the body of the parasites. Pay attention to the symptom is necessary if the gas occur independently of food intake.
Skin problems Hives, acne, eczema, dermatitis and other rashes on the skin – a signal that the body is infected by parasites. The results of their activity have a negative impact on the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, which "broadcasts" and on the pidermes.
Disorders of the nervous system Irritability, nervousness, depression, and the feeling of discouragement can be symptoms of an infestation. Systematic poisoning of the body causes disruptions in the nervous system, in particular this indicator is relevant for children. Unexplained crying, whims and fears can be quite "physical" from the ground.
Chronic fatigue The apathy, sleepiness and refusal to comply with the minimum of physical activity – the "salvation" of the body, suffering from intoxication and a lack of nutrients, stealing, parasites.
Decrease of immunity Frequent viral and bacterial disease, disorders of the microflora, colds and infections – the symptoms of the infestation. Parasites weaken the immune system, reducing the production of immunoglobulin.
General of the violation of health, pain in different organs Depending on the location, the noise may have to intervene in the functioning of any organ: the lung, the heart, the brain, the liver or the pancreas.
Tumor development and training These signs and symptoms, especially together, will cause the appearance of a variety of tumors, including cancer. Jaded by the parasites of the body is not able to combat their growth.
the diagnosis of parasites

These symptoms rarely occur in a couple for that this product, pest infestation must be very strong. And here are the combinations of three or four signs arrive. Let's take the specific example of infections:

  1. The round – pain in the intestine, disorders of the chair, a dysfunction of the liver and pancreas.
  2. Pinworms – burning and itching around the anus, diarrhea, bloating, bruxism, nervous system disorders, loss of appetite, convulsions, headache.
  3. Lantecy – weight reduction, allergic reaction, disorders of immunity, diseases of the intestine.

The diagnosis of parasites

If a person has found for you or for your loved ones, some of the above symptoms, it is recommended to undergo a diagnostic, to be sure to identify the parasites in the body. To do this, you can apply to the commissioner of militia of the district therapist (or paediatrician, if he is a child), to get to the destinations. Usually, he writes a prescription of management regarding the analysis of blood, saliva, and stool.

Modern medicine also offers medical research on parasitic infestations, as well as the integration tests, rvlant a specific group of parasites. Unfortunately, these complex analyses have to pay and spend in private clinics. But the results obtained indicate exactly what specific type of parasites, allowing you to assign adequate therapy.

There are no medications, just as effective, affects all groups of parasites. When drug designation, you must take into account the phase of development of the insect pest, because the drugs acting on the eggs can not hit adults. Therefore, starting treatment when already there are analyses and their meaning. Usually, the doctors use several types of drugs, which we describe below.

Treatment of parasitic infestations

Anti-parasitic drugs existing in the modern era, possess a broad spectrum of action, covering several types of parasites in the body of human beings. However, as we noted above, each drug is active, and is named after the diagnosis. However, in the medical arsenal in the event of infection by parasites are about a dozen funds (and their equivalents), recognised as reliable and effective.

The first group of drugs apply during the detection in the body of roundworms, hookworms, helminths. The drugs are named, if the man is infected by parasites such as pinworm, roundworm, whipworm, Trichinella, and the like.

The second group of drugs is effective against worms of bands, tapeworms, the tapeworms. They include a large tapeworm, trematodes, dwarf, pig, and bovine tapeworm – these parasites are the most common.

It is understood that during the infection by the parasite of a member of the family, with a probability of 99% of the other households are also carriers of these pests. As a result, the overrun of the diagnosis and the treatment is recommended for the whole family. Similarly, in the case of small groups of people closely communicate between them (mother, for example).

The traditional methods of getting rid of pests

the traditional methods of treatment

The treatment of parasites greatly complicated by the fact that in the process of the life they have ceased to multiply, even more so in the human body in the same time, and eggs, larvae and adults. The receipt of pharmaceutical products is usually the only one, with the repetition in the 10 to 14 days to bring the body of the individual, who has the time to develop. Also a good option is secondary, people therapy, able to support traditional medical treatment.

Starting treatment of parasites of animals means, discuss with your doctor. Not all the recipes are just as safe depending on the age and state of health of the patient, they may not be appropriate.

We offer you a few popular recipes that have been tested for years and has the largest number of positive testimonials of people who recovered from parasites as well.

The absinthe liqueur. A tablespoon of the dry powder of wormwood, pour 100 ml of alcohol, and two weeks to insist in a cool dark place. then, the liquid is filtered and it is used three times a day 20 drops before meals.

Squash seed. Unsalted fresh, shelled pumpkin seeds (300 grams) are ground in a coffee grinder, and then connect with honey or water (1:1). The mixture, you need to eat on an empty stomach, and then even three hours can not eat, and then he should take a laxative. The fact that pumpkin seeds contain a particular substance, which paralyses the pests and temporarily consume ability to attach to the walls of the organs.

Mushrooms of the dye. It is preferable to use a white fungus or mushrooms, because they contain a substance that kills and the adult worms and larvae. A handful of fresh mushrooms, pour a glass of vodka, and insist for two weeks, and then the liquid is filtered and drink a teaspoon before bedtime. Of course, this method is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

The cortex of the pomegranate. 50 grams fresh bark of pomegranate, pour two cups of boiling water and boil on the fire before the time, until the liquid does not fall in the volume by half. After an infusion to drink a stroke, in a half-hour to take a laxative. For four hours, the need to abstain from food. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended an enema.

Decoction of cloves. Dry clove, crushed into powder, a teaspoon of which of the boiled water and heat in a water bath for a minute, then used as a cover and to insist half an hour. Take a decoction only fresh, one teaspoon three times per day, half an hour before meals.

Get rid of pests the traditional methods would be much more effective if acting in the complex. First you need to consult a doctor, hand over analyses and to learn from their results. After which are updated pharmaceutical preparations, it is necessary to do it strictly as prescribed by a schema. Discuss in advance with the doctor of your desire to take advantage of the revenues of the population and of the together to determine the best option. The last step in the successful healing of and prevention. On it, we'll be talking about below.

The prevention of the infestation

The main role in prevention activities aimed at reducing the risk of infection, is hygiene. Even adults, who are perfectly aware of the need to comply with hygiene standards, often overlooked in. During this time, the doctors insist on the fact that the regular practice of the preventive measures are able to reduce by half the risk of infection by parasites. Hygiene, compulsory for children and adults, are:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap after each entry from the street, the contact with animals).
  2. The treatment of the hands antiseptic gels or towels.
  3. The daily change of underwear (pre-need to iron it with a hot iron).
  4. Weekly change of linen (washing with hot water).
the prevention of parasites

The child must learn not to take it into his mouth with unwashed hands, not sharing food with peers, by biting each other. Baby you need to explain the danger of falling into the body of the dirt, bacteria, and parasites. A particular care is necessary to wash hands after working with the earth, rest on the nature.

As a daily prevention against parasites can be added to food pointed to spices and condiments – most of the pests by their don't support it. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic, use it when cooking the pepper, cloves, horseradish.

The aggregation

Regular prevention, as well as the attention to the smaller signs indicating an infestation of parasites – the simple rules that guarantee the whole family of the sentence. To personal hygiene, food preparation, as well as supervise children and animals should be treated with the utmost responsibility. Take care of your health!