Intestinal worms in children, the symptoms and the causes of the infection

The appearance of earthworms there children is not uncommon. In the group of risk are the toddlers, infants and older children. You need to understand what are the varieties of worms, and how they can be infected. Only timely prevention can help protect your child from this unpleasant phenomenon.

Infection by parasites

Why appear towards there children

There are several ways of infestation by the parasites of children:

  • by insect bites;
  • the consumption of half-cooked meat;
  • in the dirty hands;
  • in case of contact with an object containing eggs of helminths;
  • through without washing the vegetables and fruits.

The high prevalence of parasites among children in the age group is due to the fact that the eggs of helminths have dimensions that are microscopic. They are located in calais, near the anus, on the perineum of the sick child.

It is important! To prevent re-infestation by worms of the earth, it is necessary to wash the bed linen baby on the larger temperature, after which caress of an iron.

The baby can cause itching, that encourages the proliferation of earthworms. The eggs are found on the hands, under the nails, on the bed sheets, after which it spreads in the environment. Earthworms can easily be infected by other children, adults or re-be contaminated by the child himself.

This applies in particular to children, who put everything to the mouth, do not wash their hands before eating. Also the most common source of infection of helminth infections in the area of the sandbox, especially if it is open.

The other way of getting the consumption of meat of infected animals, which was not sufficient to heat treatment. Also represents a danger for fish, such as river and sea.

It is important! Do not let your child eat sushi, because they are often prepared with raw fish. This can cause an infection by worms of the earth. discover what are the first signs of worms are present children.


Varieties of earthworms

There are a large number of worms, which are capable of hitting the human body. They can be found not only in the intestine, and other organs, which are transferred from the bloodstream – the liver, the lungs, the heart, the main, the brain, the eyes, the gallbladder.

Don't forget! Give the children tablets to the ground, without a physician is strictly forbidden!

The main parasites of man are divided into groups such as:

  • trematodes;
  • nematodes;
  • cestodes.

General characteristics of nematodes

Hookworms are the most common types of worms in children. The round worms are:

  • whipworm;
  • pinworms;
  • Trichinella;
  • ascaris.

Contract with them, we can, when the eggs of worms enter the digestive tract, after which settle in the intestine of the child. This can happen through dirty hands, by eating food. Children up to one year are also vulnerable to infection by nematodes, because, by exploring the world around them, put everything to the mouth.

It is important! Small children are more often infected by worms, because there them is not up to the end of the developed in the digestive system. An insufficient amount of enzyme is unable to neutralize the eggs of parasites that enter the stomach.

The nematodes do not affect the mature body of child:

  • cause damage to the tissues of the intestine;
  • feed of useful substances, that come with the food;
  • can cause obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • you receive nausea, disorders of the chair;
  • the child feels tired.

Often develop allergic reactions on the waste of the parasites, it can form a small rash, dermatitis.

Enterobiasis - pinworms

Enterobiasisy children – one with the most common diseases, which is called pinworm. These are small worms up to a size of 1 cm, which live in the gut (read, take, analysis on enterobiasis).

Infection by parasites occurs when the eggs of worms enter the digestive system. They are very resistant to the effects of the environment, is not always perish during the cleaning, disinfectants, but the break-down of the high temperature of the boil.

Eggs of pinworms can be found on the body of the sick child, on the interior items, dishes, toys. This is why infected them very easily.

It is important! If in the stool of the child you have seen white worms, you can be sure that it is pinworms.

The characteristic symptom during the enterobiasis – the emergence of a strong itching near the anus, especially at night and in the evening. The baby may be trouble falling asleep, stop it, cries, makes whims. In most cases, pinworms are not dangerous to the health of the child, but delivers a lot of discomfort.

Ascariasis – symptoms, and the dangers of the

Ascariasis is characterized by infection of the human body hazardous parasites – roundworm. They hit not only the intestines, and the lungs, liver, heart.

The worms in the lungs is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • increasing the temperature to 38°C;
  • the appearance of the expectoration of blood;
  • a dry cough;
  • the weakness and aches and pains.

It is important! When the defeat of the organism roundworm may develop asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

Also often increases the lymph nodes, the spleen, the eruption appears on the body.

After 2-3 months, roundworm can penetrate the intestine, which gives rise to various disorders of the digestive system:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence.

It is important! The worms in the liver can block the bile the way, that cause the emergence of the mechanical jaundice.

Cestodes of the child

To cestode particular parasites:

  • lonely;
  • wave of tsepen;
  • doggy tsepen;
  • Echinococcus;
  • tapeworm;
  • swine tsepen.
Band tsepen

Tapeworms feed on useful substances, which come through the food – vitamin B12, folic acid and others. In exchange for poisons toxic waste that remain after their means of subsistence.

The symptoms of the onset tapeworm a:

  • unexplained loss or gain of weight;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • the pain in the abdomen;
  • fatigue;
  • decrease of the immunity.

The main route of infection cestode is the use of a bad roast meat, which contains the eggs of helminths. Doggy tsepen is often found in children who are constantly in contact with dogs.

It is important! The characteristic of these parasites have everything they can reach 40 to 50 m and live in the human intestine up to 20 years.

Trematodes – features

Animals type of trematodes are the following:

  • flounder;
  • paragonimiasis;
  • schistosomiasis;
  • the flukes to the liver.

The fluke can live in the intestine, liver, lungs, and other organs. The eggs of helminths are transported by the blood to all the organs and systems of man.

It is important! Flatworms still call to, because on his body, they have a suction cup. Thanks to them, they feed.

The main route of transmission – by cooked meat, fish, the consumption of the contaminated water.

The symptoms which indicate the presence of flat worms:

  • the appearance of the dermatitis;
  • the pain in the abdomen;
  • the increase in the liver;
  • the onset of jaundice;
  • disorders of the chair;
  • the anaemia.

Giardiasis in children

Giardiasis cause giardia – organisms on the intestine. Infection occurs by cysts, which are excreted in the stool of an infected person. They can be long found in the environment until the time of the harm to the child.

It is important! Just swallow a couple of cyst (read, what is giardia cysts), in order to contract giardiasis.

Often, the disease is without symptoms and disappear within a few weeks without treatment. Sometimes, there are disorders of the digestion, fever, abdominal pain, the child may lose weight.

The infection by parasites of children is not uncommon. It is important to observe the rules of hygiene, wash hands frequently, to teach a child not to take toys in their mouth, to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon. By identifying the y, your child has symptoms that characterize in the presence of earthworms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.