What are the helminths of the man in the photo

Types of worms affecting the internal organs of the man called helminths (worms). According to the statistics, today, worm subjected to infestations of approximately 30% of the population. Poison the body, the worms can hit any part of the body. It is dangerous to not only the diseases that can cause worms. Their presence in the body can lead to death.

the down to earth in the body of the man

To date, helminth infections, quite a treat not only drugs, medicinal drugs, but folk remedies. For each type has its own ways of treatment. Therefore, it is useful to know and understand what are the different types of worms, the symptoms, to take timely action.

The classification of helminths

Parasitic worms are divided into two major groups: intestinal and tissue.

The first type of living directly in the gut. This group includes:

  • ascaris and pinworms;
  • hookworm and giardia;
  • whipworm and dwarfish tsepen;
  • wave of tsepen and broad tapeworm;
  • swine tsepen.

In tissue, the worms can settle in any organ of the human body and threat for many years. These include:

  • the cysticerci and trematodes;
  • Trichinella and the Dens;
  • Echinococcus and alveolar.


Are the most common and difficult types of worms that live in the small intestine of the adult or of the organism of children. Contamination of this type of helminth bears the name of ascariasis.

Before entering the small intestine, ascaris make the way through the body of the organism. After infection of larvae of individuals enter the blood, then the blood found in the lungs, where they mature.

In the early days of the infestation of man begins to feel discomfort, nervousness, increased temperature, shortness of breath, cough, and pain in the chest. These symptoms settle down the fact that the original worms affecting the respiratory system.

The contamination can occur through drinking water from sources that are not reliable, badly treated by fruits and vegetables. In summer, the risk of error increases.


The small worms which settle in the intestine, causing the disease under the name of enterobiasis. To lay eggs in the area of the anal passage. Waiting for the eggs transform into larvae and can re-enter the body only through the oral cavity.

Re-infestation occurs due to its contact to dirty their hands with the food he consumes. The symptoms of the infection may cause itching around the anus and irritability.

It is important! Vector of the disease is the man.


The infection occurs through the skin in case of contact with the earth in which live the larvae of these species of worms. The noisy data before it enters the intestine, the same way, such as the roundworm.

The symptoms of the injury may be a cough, abdominal pain, nausea, and violation of the chair. This type of helminths may cause anemia.



Giardiasis is progressing in people who have the habit of biting fingernails, and other objects (pencils, pens). The infection can also occur in the case of use of poor quality water, produced in contact with the dirty laundry, where you may find larvae, and a carrier of the disease.

The symptoms of the disease may be loose stools and pain in the lower belly.


trichocephalosis occurs in the period of infestation by the larvae of the whipworm. They belong to a non-treated fruit and vegetables. Dirty hands, and water are also vectors.

The infestation is accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Often the signs of infection are similar to symptoms of appendicitis.

Wave of tsepen

One of the most dangerous species of worms, parasites in the large intestine. The adult worm reaches several meters in length. The individual chooses the man's body of all the nutrients and produces a high toxicity.

The symptoms of infestation are the following:

  • diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • restless sleep;
  • dizziness and fainting.

The risk of the disease, beef tapeworm infection occurs through consumption of beef, under-treated, infested with larvae of the bovine tapeworm.

Broad tapeworm

The cause of the difillobotrioz is the consumption of bad processed fishery products and the calves. The worm, causing a disease is one of the largest and can reach up to ten metres. Symptoms of infection include severe pain in the lower abdomen and the occurrence of anemia.

Swine tsepen

The contamination of this worm is extremely dangerous for the man. The consumption of pig meat, is not spent enough heat treatment can lead to risks in the body of finn, who becomes a single adult individual.

The body of the pork tapeworm regularly separate so-called segments, which are able to leave the one body by the anus or in the feces from entering the environment. Taeniasis is similar to the symptoms of the infection, bovine tapeworm.

The Dens

Opisthorchiasis occurs because of the penetration in the organism of the man of the larvae of the Fluke with infected fish.

Signs of the presence of opisthorchiasis:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • body aches in all the body;
  • the appearance of allergies.

More serious symptoms are a chronic form. This type of dangerous fungus in the development of liver cancer.



The worm installs itself in the body, most often in the liver or the lungs. Echinococcus is able to induce the formation of cysts of the body affected and the appearance of tumors. The infection may lead to death. The larvae are transferred to humans by contact with sick animals.


They are exposed in the first place, the people who eat improperly handled meat of wild animals. Vector of Trichinella can also be pigs. The habitats of the adults in the human body are the different types of muscles, (respiratory, people, etc).

Early there is nausea and loose stools. Follow-up of the symptoms of infestation are the temperature, swelling, rash, pain in muscle. Contamination of this type of parasites without treatment in a timely manner may result in death.

The symptoms of various species of earthworms

For most of the helminth infection occurs the defeat of the GASTROINTESTINAL organs and the violation of their work. Some species of worms have hooks that cling to the wall of the intestine, tearing sound, and emit the formed wound life products and substances that may have a negative impact on the organs of the digestion and encourage the emergence of these negative symptoms such as nausea passing vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, bloating and flatulence. May appear, and neurological signs, sleep disturbances, irritability, a result of the poisoning toxic products life of all types of worms. The severity of these problems depends on the duration of the infestation of man. For all types of de-worming feature of his clinical picture. In order not to err in the determination of the type, involving a patient of parasites, it is necessary to examine more before the symptoms cause the most common of the disease:

  • For most of the ascaris characterized by the appearance of the pain, not having a specific place of the location, nausea and vomit recommend, disorders of the chair. The kind of worms, such as pinworms, hitting the most often in children, causes the emergence of a strong itching in the area of the anus. From the description of this class of parasites, you can know that for the clinic, which is called by them, is characteristic of the coming of the man of general symptoms, expressed in toxicosis of and allergies;
  • The infection of the man flat to cause the emergence of them dysuric disorders. For the acute form of the pathology characteristic of an increase in the size of the liver and spleen, and in the case of the transition of this variety of worm infestation in a chronic stage, patients will appear bright, the symptoms of colitis;
  • The presence in the body of the man to the moat of the liver characterized by liver disease, pancreatitis, and hepatitis. Also, they provoke the appearance of symptoms related to severe forms of neurological disorders.

What types of worms are the children?

The most frequent in children the entozoaires, without special tools, visible in the stool are roundworms and pinworms. These parasites affect the children the most often. Knowing born of their symptoms, and on the photo exactly their polovozrelye individuals in kalovyh weights, in a timely manner, you can suspect its presence and to prevent the onset of disorders irreversible in the human body.

In calais, the children can meet not only representatives of these species of earthworms, but also the entanglements of parasitic worms. Their larvae can migrate with a blood stream, injuring themselves in the lining of the lungs, bronchi and vessels in case of penetration into the pancreas and the liver, they are capable of causing pancreatitis or hepatitis. For an accurate diagnosis of both children and adults, you must search for cala, which is expected to be revealed eggs of parasites. But it is quite difficult, because the process of reproduction of these species of earthworms not occur every day.

the treatment of parasites

Types and de-worming treatment

Universal method for the destruction of parasites does not exist today. The approach to treatment of helminths in man is always strictly individual. Possibility to therapy of drugs, medicinal drugs, surgery or the application of popular methods. Final of tactics of therapy means a physician after a diagnosis and to identify the types of helminth parasites. All therapeutic interventions on the destruction of the worms, as children and adults must be nominated by a specialist. The medication in this case, is absolutely contraindicated. Therapy helminths must be progressive and integrated. It includes the following steps:

  • The preparatory phase;
  • The destruction of the parasites;
  • Repair of their functions.

In the initial phase use absorbent for binding and removing toxins, emissions of the different species of earthworms, and vegetable oils. Then, you must begin to receive medication that destroys parasites. In the last round, patients are appointed enzymatic products designed to clean the GASTROINTESTINAL organs. They help to get out of the slag, to stop caused by certain types of earthworms to the destruction of liver cells and accelerate the restoration of its structure.

In this case, if the presence of parasites detected in the child, pass therapeutic course of to get rid of them, you must all members of the family. This will help prevent the formation of a focus of infection from any type of earthworms, for an infection to each other their eggs. Also in this situation, there should be greater attention to the conduct of sanitation procedures and personal hygiene. Only when the execution of all the rules, you can in a short period of getting rid of pests and prevent the spread of infection.

The diagnosis helminth

The analysis on helminth

The diagnosis helminth parasites is quite complex and is exclusively based on a survey of the man, to which apply the different laboratory methods. All of the methods of investigation, in order to identify the helminths, are divided into three groups:

  • Morphological diagnosis (microscopic examination of pieces of tissue obtained through biopsy or puncture of various organs);
  • Clinical, immunological and serological methods of diagnosis (ULTRASOUND imaging of the different organs, scans, x-rays, blood tests, urine, discharge, ELISA, etc);
  • Parasitological methods (which are the most informative and useful for the diagnosis of helminths, since they can detect eggs, larvae, or worms themselves in the various biological fluids, such as stool, urine, blood, gastric juice, bile, vomit, scratching, mucus tract, etc).

Morphological diagnosis is performed in rare cases, only when the suspicion on the helminth infections, where the parasites may be in the thickness of the tissue, for example, cysticercosis, trichinosis, etc, Clinical, immunological and serological methods are also used to identify helminth parasites, localized in the thickness of the internal organs (e.g., lung, liver, brain, etc). In all other cases, the diagnosis of helminths use a variety of techniques enabling both to select the type of worm, which caused the disease.

the analyses on parasites

When the primary mass surveys to identify the helminths still apply the Parasitological methodology, and only after, when there is a suspicion that the transmission of the parasites that are found in the thickness of the internal organs, advanced produce morphological diagnosis or use in clinical, immunological, and serological methods. Therefore, in the case of a suspicion of helminthiasis, you must first do a study in a specialized laboratory.

For the prevention of helminths, carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene: remember to wash hands before consuming food, after using the toilet or contact with animals, not to eat of the food the fruits and vegetables that are not washed, semi raw meat or fish. Avoid the consumption of water of open basins. Destroy flies and other insects the eggs of helminths.