The symptoms of parasites in the intestine of man and their treatment

One of the most common trouble for the patient-infectiologist-a parasitologist are the worms in the intestine. The parasitic infection each year destroyed more than 16 million lives around the world. It is therefore important to know the enemy in person, and to recognize the first disturbing the bells of the pathology. Perfect — follow the prevention measures, in which the intestinal parasites in man is not start. What are the types of types of intestinal parasites in humans and what are the symptoms of parasitic infestations, the analysis below in the article.

The infection occurs?

The symptoms of parasites in the intestine

It is important to understand that the infection by worms of the earth only occurs by the fecal-oral route. It is the mechanism of the infection like:

  • Infected by the to a person or animal defecating.
  • Stool from infected eggs of helminths, found in the environment. It is here, it may come in contact with domestic animals, are green leafy vegetables, vegetables, fruit and man.
  • On the hands the eggs of the parasites are transferred into the mouth with the food, to the condition of the poor quality of the washing of the hands.
  • Or even eggs of helminths can penetrate the stomach of the man with the food (poorly washed coffees vegetables, fruits, vegetables are not made from meat or fish).

In addition to this, the worms can enter the human body and the paths:

  • By means of insects (fleas, flies, cockroaches), which carry on their hind legs, the eggs of the parasites;
  • Through bathing in polluted water;
  • When walking barefoot on contaminated soil.

Important: in all cases, first of all, are the worms in the stomach, and only then reach the intestine. It is there that they will grow and develop as a Mature individual, able to lay eggs.

Types of intestinal parasites in the body

Species parasitic infections are more than a hundred. However, the most common parasite in the intestine of man is not more than 10 species. Here is a list of common to Central europe and the central Europe:

Broad tapeworm
  • The pinworms. The most common one is "invited" in the body of children aged 3 to 14 years. The maximum length of a parasite that is about 1 see Localized helminth mainly in the and in the large intestine. Their eggs lay in the folds of the skin of the anus. By doing this, the egg develops at the end of 5 hours after the female has laid her. As a result, the combing of the anus when the itch is again a parasitic infection, infection by hand and then by mouth.
  • The roundworm. The maximum size of the parasite can reach 40 see the Shape of worm — fusiform. Localized helminth mainly in the gut. But who is able to migrate into the blood circulation through the body and stop in the lungs, the liver, the heart and even the brain. Powered by a worm of earth the blood of man, which sooner or later leads to anemia. It is to be noted that the eggs of ascaris can persist in the soil for up to 3-5 years.
  • Giardia. This is the most simple, choose a corner of their habitat in the human intestine, liver or gall bladder. The holders of these parasites in the intestine are cats, dogs, and rodents. Transfer the eggs to simple insects. Giardiasis in the poor and in case of failure of the treatment can lead to a poisoning of the human body and lesions of the central nervous system.
  • Broad tapeworm. The maximum size of the parasite can reach 10 meters. And the cycle of life in the body of the man rises to 25 years. The main cause of infection is the consumption of fish and its derivatives that have not passed sufficient heat treatment.
  • Toxocara. Is dangerous as a parasite in the body of the man, do not stain with this product. Can live in the stomach, in the rectum, in the bronchi, and even in the eyes. The maximum length of Toxocara reached 30 see toxocariasis is capable of causing severe damage to the body of the person.
  • Wave and the taenia. These helminths enter the body of the man with the meat of cow or pig, is not past enough of the heat treatment. The length of the body of the individual can reach 2 to 7 meters. The parasite life cycle is 20 years. The main danger from tapeworms is that they feed themselves with the resources of the human body. During this long time can stay clear.
  • Tapeworm and alveoli. This type of worm enters the body through dirty hands and the mouth. It is, first of all are parasites in the stomach of the man, and then in the intestine.
  • The whipworm. This parasite causes a disease called trihozefalez. The lives of these worms in the stomach of the man, and in the large intestine. In the event of a failure of the identification and treatment lead to appendicitis and anemia.
  • Ancylostoma. This worm is round in shape and light pink pigment. Its length can reach up to 14 mm wide, Feeding helminth in the blood of the man, sucking per day, about 0.35 ml of blood. This is why the main symptom of this worm infestation is anemia and anemia.

The symptoms of parasites in the intestine

It is important to understand that the symptoms of parasites in the intestine may be common to all, worm infestation, and manifest itself in the individual form for each type of pest signs. Thus, the total symptoms of a parasitic infection that looks like this:

  • The pain in the muscles and joints. This causes the accumulation of toxins, which secretes in the blood of the human helminth during their life. What happens poisoning.
  • Disorders of the chair. And it may be that the diarrhea and the constipation.
  • The inflammatory process in the intestine. They occur because of the violation of the integrity of the wall of the intestine of helminth infections. As a result, all the food is digested with less effect. On the presence of intestinal parasites demonstrates symptoms high fat during the holding of coprogram (stool analysis).
  • The low level of hemoglobin. Its level is not corrected preparations of iron.
  • Allergic skin rashes. Are an immune system response to the implementation of worm infestation.
  • The reduction of weight for no apparent reason. Occurs due to the shortage of nutrients and minerals to the human body of substances.
  • General Fatigue and nervousness. Are the results of intoxication.
  • The formation of benign tumours and malignant tumours. In particular, in the service of GASTRO.

There are also a number of characteristics of parasitic infections that are inherent to different types of parasites in the human body.

Pinworms (enterobiasis):

  • S militaristic nocturnal itching in the area of the anus;
  • Mucus in the stool;
  • The pain in the lower abdomen.


  • At night dry cough and shortness of breath;
  • Increase of the temperature of the body;
  • Increased sweating;
  • The pain in the region of the lungs and of the heart;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • The distension of the abdomen;
  • Yellowing of the skin and the sclera of the eyes.


  • Decreased appetite;
  • Eczema and hives;
  • A sharp pain intestinal;
  • Headaches;
  • Heart rhythm disorders.

Broad tapeworm:

  • The constant nausea and dizziness;
  • The enlargement of the spleen and/or liver;
  • The increase of the frequency of the heart rhythm;
  • Numbness of the feet and paralysis;
  • The interruption of the operation of the memory and of the strong decrease of the concentration;
  • A dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • The paleness of the skin.


  • Sleep disorders;
  • Recurrent attacks of suffocation;
  • The increase of lymph nodes;
  • Increase of the temperature of the body;
  • Tearing and purulent inflammation of the eyes;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Vomiting and nausea;
  • The cough by the type of bronchitis.
Folk remedies

Wave and the taenia (beef tapeworm infection and cysticercosis):

  • The discomfort in the region of the anus;
  • The identification under the skin and in the feces proglottid;
  • Without knowledge of the condition;
  • Anemia;
  • The decrease of the sensitivity and tracking of the paralysis;
  • The decrease of the sight and reaction to light;
  • Irritability;
  • The appearance of hallucinations;
  • The formation of tumors.

Tapeworm and alveoli:

  • Red spots all over the body;
  • The weight loss;
  • Dizziness;
  • The pain in the chest and in the area of the right hypochondrium;
  • The diarrhea and vomiting.


  • The weakness and headaches;
  • Excessive Salivation;
  • The pain in the heart, and shortness of breath.
  • The inflammatory processes in the organs of sight;
  • The failures of the menstrual cycle;
  • The sterility;
  • The pain in the stomach;
  • Belching with bad taste.

Important: when the manifestation of the symptoms of the parasite in the stomach of man or in the intestine must immediately contact infectiologist or a parasitologist. Procrastination can cost one's life.

In the case of medication against intestinal worms, which for some reason is not possible, you can use it for the treatment of worm infestations folk remedies. In particular, use tools against the parasites:

  • Ledum and of the celandine — giardia;
  • The pumpkin seeds of the pinworms;
  • Granada crusts of ascaris.

In addition, you can include in the diet of these anti-products:

  • Garlic;
  • The black pepper and red;
  • The cinnamon and ginger;
  • The cloves and the cardamom.

You can drink against intestinal worms such as herbal teas:

  • The tansy;
  • Wormwood;
  • Nard.

As purifying the body of activities go an enema with garlic or soda. You can once a year to clean the body of brandy and castor oil. To do this, the night drink 50-100 ml of cognac, and after 15 minutes — 50 ml is heated to 40 degrees castor oil. The next morning, should arrive at the diarrhea, which will leave all of the parasites.

The cinnamon and the ginger

It should also be noted that, in addition to the remedies or drug treatment, it is very important to create an unfavorable environment for the deworming. And for this, you need to review your diet. From the menu to exclude any soft, and the meat, fat and smoke. The diet should be simple present of cereals, vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as dairy products, nuts, beans, strawberries, blackcurrants, cream.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid a possible infection by worms, it is necessary to observe measures of prevention primary. These are:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before eating, after using the toilet, after contact with animals or works in the garden/vegetable garden;
  • Regularly and on time de-worming of domestic pets;
  • The restriction of contacts with animals and birds;
  • Wash thoroughly the vegetables, the fruits and vegetables before eating them;
  • Boil the water or use of foods that of purified water;
  • Regular cleaning of the house and the fight against insects.

Remember, http, disease in the belly in the adult and the child is always easier to prevent than to reap the fruits of worm infestation and sustainable of the fight. Be sure to clean hands and stay healthy!