The signs of parasites in the body of a man: how to identify it?

Infection by parasites — it is a common problem. Particularly at risk for the disease among children during the summer season. The game in the sandbox, fruit not washed, the communication with animals can lead to risk of worms inside the intestine or the liver. Distributors of helminths can even become insects or the consumption of raw meat or fish.

the symptoms of parasites

Symptoms of the presence of helminths

With the appearance of parasites in the human body may start to develop several diseases, not necessarily related to the intestines or of the stomach:

The presence of ascaris will cause allergic reactions of redness and itching, bronchial asthma.

  1. Giardia will create digestive problems.
  2. Swine tsepen will cause headaches and nausea.
  3. Long live the weight loss will be witness to the contamination of the tape worm.
  4. Fasciola hepatica is a disease most often of cats, will manifest itself in pain in the liver and an increase of the temperature.

All in all, most of the parasites that cause the same symptoms:

  • the man begins to tire quickly and constantly feels the weakness and discomfort;
  • perhaps the emergence of cystitis in women and prostatitis in men;
  • man begins to lose weight;
  • decrease in the memory and the attention is dispersed;
  • the body whines and get muscle pain.

The consumption of vitamins in the presence of helminths becomes useless, because they are absorbed it is the earthworms.

Parasites in children and adults

In childhood, infection by parasites that are particularly dangerous. The body of the child is not strong enough and that is why, taking advantage of his weakness, worms propagate at a high speed. The disorders of sleep and appetite, anxiety, unexplained, constipation — all is the witness of the presence of giardia or ascaris.

The organism in adults is protected more reliably, thanks to the enzymes present in the mouth. They are difficult fatal barrier to the parasites. It is only a first barrier. The next hurdle is to become the stomach acid: in the case of intestinal immunity using antibodies can be destroyed almost any malicious representative. In the body of the child has not yet sufficient forces for this struggle, as in the case of a person with a weakened immune system.

The action of worms on the general state of the organism

In the opinion of the doctors, in most cases, allergic reactions may occur due to the appearance of parasites or already passed the infection and the treatment. Earthworms have a negative impact on a protective reaction of the organism, reduces immunity, degrade the work of the liver. As a result, the person often infected as well as infectious diseases and colds, and treatment is more long and complex.

After getting rid of the worms necessarily need the consultation of a therapist, the appointment of vitamins necessary for the recovery and support of the organization. As remedies use a decoction of herbs Petrov of the Cross or of the powder of mushroom Polypore this – they strengthen the liver and restore its state. It is important to consult your doctor before use.

types of parasites

The classification of the parasites

Parasites are intestinal and extra-intestinal. As their name indicates, the first to install and hit the area of the intestine, and the second — live in the muscles, the subcutaneous tissue, the lungs, the liver and other internal organs. Travel with blood flow, they move in different points of the human body and lodge in different places.

Intestinal disorders, such as pinworms and roundworms are among the most common. On infection, the helminth parasites of the gastro-intestinal tract evidenced by the appearance of:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • freckles and various spots;
  • fragilit the nail plate;
  • warts.

The appearance on the body papillom and projecting moles, may indicate an infection of the helminths.

These symptoms may occur during the invasion of the organism Giardia or Trichomonas. Also, the signs of the onset of helminth intestinal are the following:

  • the loss or excess weight gain (due to the absence of appetite or on the contrary excessive hunger);
  • the emergence of a foreign taste in the mouth and bad breath;
  • unconscious gnashing of the teeth during sleep;
  • the symptoms of diabetes mellitus;
  • seizures;
  • headaches for no reason;
  • heart and cancer.

Fasciola hepatica promotes inflammation in the liver of man. During the appearance in the body of the parasite occurs an obstruction of streams, which affect the vessels. Particularly dangerous of the disease, which may be imperceptible to humans, and the symptoms reflect the same not too much. As a result, the person performs a treatment of another disease, by throwing the real reason.

In the selection of waste worm produced an inhibition of the process and outputs of the bile, which can occur a destruction of the liver and death.

The presence of Fluke in the body often leads to in opisthorchiasis. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. High body temperature (approximately 39 degrees).
  2. The sensation of dull aching pain in the muscle tissues.
  3. Co-ordinate breathing, shortness of breath.
  4. Diarrhea, or constipation.
  5. Skin rashes and itching on the pidermes, recalling the allergies.
  6. Painful sensations in the region of the liver, as well as the increase of this organ is detected during palpation).

If time does not begin treatment, and get rid of this parasite, the authority will continue to deteriorate and symptoms significantly exacerbated:

  1. The sensation of the pain not only occur in the region of the liver, but also in the back.
  2. Colic.
  3. Headaches, dizziness during walking.
  4. Insomnia, nervousness.
  5. A lack of energy.
  6. The appearance of cysts on various internal organs.

The most common signs of the presence of human parasites:

helminth parasites in the body
  1. Some types of de-worming because of their size block the function of certain organs. An obstruction in the bile duct ends by a disease of the liver or jaundice, and the locking of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the appearance of constipation. In severe cases, may occur ileus, of the save which can be a surgical intervention.
  2. Diarrhea is a sign of a series of worms, which reproduce the elements that kill the sodium and chloride in the body. As a result, a person suffers from frequent watery stools, which can lead to dehydration. The parasites of the body during the defecation get rid.
  3. The bloating comes from the occurrence of helminths in the upper part of the intestine. This presence causes pain by eating legumes, beans, and raw fruits. These symptoms are not always appear to be a dangerous man, therefore, allows the parasites live inside the body for months or years.
  4. The tremor night (itching in anus) — it is often a sign of the presence of pinworms.

In women, the first signs of defeat helminths are pains in the ovaries, the duration of the menstrual period, accompanied by painful sensations, general weakness, disturbance in the cycle, the development of cysts, tim, fibroids, bladder problems and kidneys.

Men to infection by parasites is peculiar to the emergence of prostatitis, impotence problems, sand and stones in the kidneys, pain during urination. When infected by the sound can be a mental state.

Preventive measures

In respect of certain activities in prevention, a person can successfully defend against these diseases and their consequences. The first rule of protection of earthworms is the respect of basic hygiene, the main points are:

  • the regular content of your own hands, the obligation to wash with soap after work, the earth, the sand, the contact with pets and other animals, and before every meal;
  • the nails on the fingers of the hands and feet must be shorn short and clean;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and other products must be washed with plenty of water, in particular in case of contact with them from the land, potentially containing eggs of helminths;
  • meat and fish should be purchased only in the areas tested and prepared, therefore, for the eggs of helminths could be destroyed. The steaks with the blood that carries the level of risk;
  • used human of the water must be of drinking water sources and the porridge;
  • the limitation of swimming in rivers and lakes, in the neighbourhood of the places where occurs the pasture.
  • mandatory to wash hands with soap after contact with the insects.

The experts recommend a regular follow-up of prevention of cure with medication, without use of preliminary laboratory research. To avoid the recurrence of the infection with parasites, while in the home, the family members should perform preventive actions in the same time, as well as organize prevention on worms and pets – thanks to them, the more often the infection occurs.

Do not forget that the use of drugs for the prevention of earthworms needs to be done only after the recommendation of a physician, after the obligatory keeping a personal consultation.

It is important to know that if prevention did not help and the infection occurs (after the confirmation of the results of the analysis), the treatment should start as soon as today.

The treatment of helminthiasis


Diagnose the infection by parasites with the help of analyses. In laboratory conditions, the experts examine the stool for the presence of eggs of helminths, and the scratching of the disease enterobiasis. The analyses are distributed one to three times with a difference in a few days – for a more precise result. To determine the helminth parasites of the immunoglobulin, to give blood.

The medicine of today has enormous possibilities in the treatment of infections of human parasites. It is methods such as:

  • treatment of chemical products;
  • the herbal medicine;
  • the purification of the body r with the help of homeopathic medicines;
  • the application of ozone.

The advice of the popular medicine to get rid of earthworms

Traditional medicine does not have certificates of quality. The single audit — audit of the years. It can boast of. These recipes are passed from some people to others. But all of the many folk recommendations, experts recommend that you consult the doctor before using or other. The desire to get rid of a parasite that large, but good sense should not be forgotten.

There are products that earthworms do not tolerate outright. Upon confirmation of the presence of worms in the body should increase in the diet of the consumption of garlic, onion, horseradish, salt fish, grapefruit, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, apple cider vinegar, the pomegranate.

Don't like parasites and moist and carrot, mixed with the beet, the consumption of cabbage juice (it can be both fresh and sauerkraut), pineapple juice, fresh fruit juice, tincture of peppermint, as well as the broth of the fruit of the dogrose.

It is important! This is why most of the recipes to get rid of the worms of the earth are based on the above listed products.

The application of popular recipes is quite simple and very profitable financially, as it does not require too much cost. Most of the good components and still present in the refrigerator of mistresses.

Remedies very effective in the beginning of the infection. It is desirable to go over the plan of a merchant of vegetables at the time of treat and completely eliminate meat from the diet. This power parasite loses strength and get rid of him will be much easier.

A lot of people believe the misconception that fasting can also serve as one of the methods to get rid of helminthiasis. It is important to know that this view is false, because the hunger strike will make the human body is the most weakened and will only increase the headaches, fatigue, and nausea.

Useful popular the recipe

An effective method of de-worming treatment is the use of enemas for 7 days. Large head of garlic infused in a glass of warm milk, filtered, let cool to room temperature. The liquid in the volume of 250 g is used as an enema to an adult. The child, according to the age, 100, or 50 g



In conclusion, it should be noted that the risk of the disease helminth infections there is always. But it is also possible, within the personal hygiene, supporting the accuracy and cleanliness in your own home and in the workplace, in controlling the state of a company and correctly handling the products.

This article gives the opportunity to reflect on their own body and compare the symptoms. Generally, physicians have seldom examined the patients on the helminth infections, and proceed to the false treatment of the stomach or of the liver. During the appearance of the signs described above are worth checking out your own body the presence of parasites and not to delay treatment.

Anti-parasitic measures can save the internal organs and the general health of terrible consequences. What is the method of treatment or prevention will be the most suitable – tells the doctor.