Parasites in the human body, symptoms and treatment

The parasitic diseases are diseases caused by protozoa, helminth, and insect. According to the statistics of the infestation suffers each fourth inhabitant of the planet. In Russia, every year, nearly 1.5 million cases of infection by parasites.

The parasitic diseases

Contamination is possible when the consumption of contaminated water, vegetables and fruits, the greenery, the purchase of fish and meat in the "illegal" points, where there are no veterinary certificates during communication with the animals. Risk of parasitic infestations in the fact that, in the absence of treatment of the slow destruction of the body.

Types of parasites in the body of the man

Organisms, parasites in the body of the man, are the true and the false. The first group rank pinworms, giardia and other parasites, parasitism is a condition of existence; the second, those that lie by chance in the body and begin to infest.

Each of the pathogens has devices that help to gain a foothold in the body of the man. This suction cup, plate teeth, of the pitons, which is constantly injuring the mucosa. With microscopic or of a considerable size, they destroy the good bacteria, poison the body of its waste and inhibit the immune system.

The symptoms of parasites in the body of the man

Because of the diversity patogeneticheskih mechanisms of the impact of parasites on the body, the symptoms can be similar to infectious diseases and surgical diseases. Therefore, to establish the diagnosis of the health of the results of laboratory studies.

The doctors highlighted typical syndromes of infection helminth and other parasites. Make a list of the most brilliant of them.


  • Itching ;
  • The symptoms of hives;
  • The development of the pseudo-allergies after the treatment of the water, the sun, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, candy and pastries;
  • Spontaneously encountered and resolved seizures, bronchospasm;
  • Itching, dermatitis perioral, cheilitis;
  • The loss of hair;
  • Influenza-like illness;
  • Education and pustular skin eruptions.
The reasons of the appearance of parasites


A chronic course.

  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • The rapid weight loss;
  • The diarrhea or the intestinal obstruction;
  • The absence or decreased appetite;
  • Pain with movement of the tongue;
  • The development of painful sensations in the near-umbilical and epigastric areas;
  • The impossibility of the consumption of fat;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Hypertrophy of the liver.


It is observed during infection toxocariasis, hymenolepiasis, and cysticercosis, trichocephalosis.

  • Sleep disorders;
  • Increased irritability and fatigue;
  • Hypochromic iron deficiency anemia;
  • The deterioration of academic success on a background of a decline in memory, attention;
  • The instability of the blood pressure;
  • Headaches;
  • Symptoms meningeal.

The reasons of the appearance of parasites in the body of the man

Infection rest comes from a non-observance of rules of hygiene or violation of technology of preparation of dishes. Identify the main causes of the appearance of parasites:

  • The consumption of sales of vegetables, fruits, no boiled water;
  • Illiterate food preparation;
  • The failure of the public health and hygiene of restaurant workers, vendors;
  • The contact with the animals;
  • To touch door handles in public, handrails in the transport;
  • Swimming in infested waters, sistemami;
  • The presence of flies in an apartment or a house;
  • The work of the earth, or manure, without gloves, a game in the sandbox.

The main sources of contamination by parasites

Infection by parasites occurs by direct contact or by mouth. By the mouth of the parasites can enter the body in two ways: through dirty hands, food, or the consumption of poorly thermally processed meat or fish, which are infected by the parasite larvae.

The parasites in the fish

  • Opisthorchiasis. Media: the fish of the carp family. The fluke lives in the liver, the pancreas, causing an elevation of the temperature to 40 degrees, fat intolerance, vomiting, pain in the right upper quadrant. The symptoms appear after 2-3 weeks. Opisthorchiasis last for years, striking the internal organs.
  • Clonorchiasis. The support – the fish that lives in the waters of China, Korea, the edge of Love. The symptomatology is similar to opisthorchiasis.
  • Difillobotrioz. Support – far-east fish. Symptoms: bloating, nausea, salivation, a chair unstable, salivation.
  • Antacids. Support: - taupe (in the North of the sea amazed of 55% to 100%), the cod, the salmon. Inside the body is through the consumption of raw fish. Symptoms: diarrhea, skin rashes, it is possible for the ulcer of the intestine.
  • Ligules. Support: carp. For man is not dangerous, if the pathogen extract, and fish were subjected to a heat treatment.
The parasites in the fish

The parasites in the meat

  • : Trichinella spiralis. The way of contamination – the meat of wild animals or pork. The larvae of blood fall in the muscles, causing the pain in them, swelling of the face, allergic skin rashes.
  • Beef tapeworm infection. The support – the cattle, the way of contamination, the consumption of beef, subject to a minimum of the processing temperature. Symptoms of constipation, rapid weight loss.

The parasites of plants, fruits of the forest

  • Alveococcus multilocularis. An infected person by unwashed berries from the forest or from dirty hands.
  • Geohelminth ascaris. Characteristics of infection: ingestion of eggs, with the non-washed fruit and vegetables in the drink is not boiled water. Symptoms of infection: cough, and the manifestations of the allergy, intestinal obstruction.
  • Ancylostoma duodenale. The parasite larvae from the soil to the penetration of the man, if he swallows the vegetables and fruits. The parasite feeds on blood, injured the mucosa of the intestine, causing inflammation.
  • Balantidium coli. Media – pork, sometimes, dogs, and rats. Often, the sick, the inhabitants of the countryside.

Parasites in the water

  • Dracunculiasis. Media – crustaceans Cyclops. They enter the body with poor access to safe drinking water. The parasites are released after the digestion of crustaceans in the stomach. From there, the worms fall into the sub-tissue fibres. Per year the female parasite the form of a million mature larvae. Its seat the end is suited to the skin, forming a liquid bubble up to 10 see To relieve the itching and the burning sensation, the man plunges the affected area and water, which causes the output of the vermin and the beginning of a new cycle of their development.
  • Gnathostoma spinigerum. The infection occurs when the drink is not disinfected water, the consumption of meat of frogs and fish. Symptoms: skin swelling and itching, the fever, may be the defeat of the eyeball. The disease is recurrent in nature.

The modern methods of diagnosis of parasites

Helminth that live in the gut, are identified during the study of fecal matter: coprogram, perianal scrapings, of the enrichment method. If the doctor assumes paragons, on the analysis take the sputum, urine in cases of suspicion, urogenital schistosomiasis. The reliability of these methods is only 15% to 20%.

We list the frequently used and modern types of the research, detailing their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Macro - and microscopic study of the faeces. The efficiency depends on at what stage of development is a parasite. The victim of a parasite to the notice of a very difficult, so the parasite must enter in the living lab.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. By the presence of antibodies and antigens on helminth with certainty at 60-80% determines the types of parasites, their number.
  • Histological coprogram. Stool examination, presuming the detection of parasites or of components of their body using resistant microscopes.
  • Ultrasound x-ray and computed tomography scan. Identifies the changes of the internal organs.
  • Bioresonance diagnosis. It captures the detail of the frequency spectrum, which emit helminth. Detects parasites at all stages of their development, of their location. The authenticity of 75-95%.
  • Gemo-scanning. The analysis of the blood cells, identify the presence of substances that are non-specific and the elements indicating the presence of helminth.
  • Of the serological methods (the reaction of the ring-precipitation, indirect hemagglutination, enzyme-marked with the body binding to compliment, the agglutination of latex). Based on the detection in blood of specific antibodies.
  • A laboratory study of the muscle, the cutting of the skin and the blood. The biopsy and digestion of muscles. Allows you to discover the interior of the muscle fibers of the larva Trichinella.
  • The analysis of the duodenal contents. The fractions remote sensing, during which 3 portions of the bile of 12 duodenal ulcer. Last about 1.5 hours. On analysis, send not still ice-cold bile.
  • The study of the urine. Allows you to detect helminth, parasites in the urinary system.
The impact of parasites on the health of the man

The impact of parasites on the health of the man

Parasites prevent the body from vitamins and trace elements, kill the blood cells – white blood cells and red blood cells, leaving a person only the toxic waste of life. This translates into the development of an allergic reaction and the regeneration of the intestine and in the liver, deformation, or other organs, "chronic fatigue syndrome".

Overall, the impact of parasites on health can be classified into mechanical, toxic, immune, and food. Here are the most dangerous for the human violations:

  • The peritonitis by the prisasivaniya of parasites on the walls of the intestine and ulcers.
  • Intestinal obstruction caused by a buildup of rumbling noise.
  • The violation of the trophic of tissues and organs, caused by the compression of the parasites in the blood vessels.
  • The beriberi, which slows down growth and the process of weight gain.
  • Disorder of protein metabolism, associated with a violation of the leakage of the biochemical processes.
  • The irregularity of the menstrual cycle, colpitis in women, infertility, prostatitis in men.
  • Perhaps the development of pneumonia, asthma, diabetes, diseases of the joints.

The treatment of parasites in the body of the man

The treatment helminth involves the designation of specific anthelmintic drugs. Pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs, belonging to different chemical groups. The traditional herbal remedies can also help in the fight against the disease, but it must be borne in mind that they do not take into account your personality, as a patient, the presence of comorbidities.

Remedies against parasites

Folk remedies for the well occur in the initial phase of the disease. They act more slowly than synthetics, and make the body less harm. Identify the most effective:

  • The monastery of tea pests. Kills helminth, protozoa, fungal spores. In the database: aigremoine, oak bark, swamp fen, yarrow, birch leaves, wormwood, calendula, chamomile, member-known only to the builder proportions. If drinking 21 days, the parasites will perish, and the products of their activity will be neutralized, the affected areas of the internal organs begin to recover.
  • The absinthe liqueur with pumpkin seeds. Dry raw materials of absinthe and pre-crushed seeds pour the vodka, at the rate of 1:3, insist on the sunny location for 7 days; take twice a day, 50 ml, preferably 30 minutes before a meal. It normalizes microflora of the intestine, activates the secretion of the gall bladder, neutralizes toxins, strengthens the immune system.
  • The clove against the parasites. Cloves cleans the internal organs, restores the functions of the body, which survives to a toxicity, relieves the pain. It treat giardiasis and opisthorchiasis. In the home, apply the powder of cloves: mixed cloves and flax seeds in a ratio of 1:10, crushed and then take 3 consecutive days before the meal 1 c. (it is possible to drink the water).
  • Garlic against parasites. In the evening: potato or sauerkraut, then small portions whole swallow finely chopped garlic, 200 g, washed down with cucumber, tomato brine. 16: 00 the next day only pickles, or sauerkraut, and then put an enema (to get rid of the dead helminth). Enema: in 2 quarts of water brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile, after the cooling of the broth add 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar, sea salt.
  • The triad of parasites. Triad are called anti-parasitic the collection, which consists of green shell of walnut, cloves and wormwood or tansy, wormwood and cloves (by the method of Ivanchenko). Contraindications: children, pregnancy, NOSOCOMIAL diseases, poisoning of the body, immunodeficiency.
  • The tansy of parasites. The bitterness of the tansy is an antagonist of worms, and giardia. Here is his recipe: 20 g of raw materials, pour a liter of boiling water and time of stress. Adults take 1/2 c three times a day before eating, the children of 1 tablespoon
  • Pumpkin seeds for parasites. Used in combination with garlic. Crushed dry roasted in a frying pan, weighing around 200 g of seeds: mixed and also crushed 6 cloves garlic and 2 tablespoons of honey. Insist on half a day, after which take 1 tablespoon adults and 1 c. children during 4 days.
  • The soda of parasites. The treatment involves the implementation of enemas the course of 8 to 10 sessions. 20-30 gr. of baking soda dissolved in 800 ml of water, heated to 38-42 degrees. Before the enema therapy are cleaning, and then the prepared solution is injected for 30 minutes. After the emptying of the bowel newly put cleansing enema.

Remember that the tools used in the folk medicine, sometimes only alleviate the symptoms of the infestation. Do not abandon the medication prescribed by your doctor.

The prevention of parasitic diseases

The prevention of parasitic diseases

Prevention is the only method of combating parasitic infections. Daily observance of simple rules is much more effective.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after handwashing after using the toilet, communicating with the animals, after the earthworks.
  • Buy meat and fish in areas authorized by the trade.
  • Exposing the meat and the fish long-term heat treatment and cooking: cook the meat in small pieces about 2.5 hours, a fish – at least 15 minutes. The ambassador of the fish should be done at least 2 weeks of freeze for more than 10 days at a temperature of at least forty degrees.
  • Do not use for grinding and cutting meat, vegetables, bread, fish of the same board.
  • Berries, fruits, herbs collected, even at their summer cottage, wash and pour boiling water.
  • The water used for drinking, be sure to boil.
  • Seek and destroy vectors of pests – cockroaches, flies, and other insects.